The factories we work with are female founded or family owned, and we ensure that female workers have strong leadership roles at each factory.
We take great care to work with only high-quality genuine materials like leather, suede, and genuine shearling. No synthetics here!
Our embellishments — beading, trims, and motifs, are delicately created by hand by artisans and skilled workers. Each of them have creative input in our designs.
"I wanted to create a brand for a fiercely independent woman, a bold-spirited creative like myself. The women in my life inspire me with their ambition and taste for the elegant things in life. Although she may be always on the go — gracefully balancing family, friends, and career — a sense of feeling at home is important to her. Our slippers, flats, and slides give her that comfort of home, from anywhere — at her desk, on the plane, or running to the florist…"
xo Alana